Sunday, August 31, 2008

Some Fun Facts

45: number of months Sarah Palin has been pregnant
20: number of months Sarah Palin has been governor

9,000: population of Wasilla, AK the town of which Palin was mayor
15,000: the number of people at the rally announcing her nomination as VP

7: number of people in the Palin family
7: number of houses John and Cindy McCain own

72: years that John McCain has been alive
49: years that Alaska has been a state

1: number of times McCain and Palin had met before today
20 million: the number of dollars that the city of Wasilla was left in
debt when Palin's term as mayor ended

When John McCain started his campaign, Sarah Palin was not yet governor of Alaska.

Saturday, August 30, 2008

Just as Greasy as Us, eh?

Growing up in Michigan, it was tradition that when immature boys and girls became mature 19-year-olds we took a one hour migration past the Motown City, under Lake St. Clare, and into the wonderful land of Canada. Besides the great beer, mounties, and hilarious people to come from the Red, White, and Never Blue there's been one thing I had yet to try: poutine. It's the most American sounding thing they have in Canada. A bunch of fries covered in cheese curds and gravy. Well last night at The Gage I was finally able to cross this off my Canadian Bucket List and add a few more points to Canada's love meter. It was amazing to say the least. The Gage dressed them up a little with nicer cheese and elk ragu...that's right, elk. I strongly suggest trying some when you have the chance.

Friday, August 29, 2008

Don't Let the Door Bang You on the Ass

Jay Mariotti was the head sports writer for the Chicago Sun-Times. He recently retired from the paper, via an email, and said on television that the newspaper was dead. Well Roger Ebert wasn't so pleased and has a few words for the man. He also includes this amazing photo:

Look at that mullet!

Thursday, August 28, 2008

Group Dinner 2: Asian Boogaloo

So my girlfriend and I have gotten together with her cousin and his girlfriend once before and attempted to cook a meal. I didn't take photos the first time because I was scared it would end up with a bunch of burnt food and the final being a group shot of us around a bucket of KFC. Well it went amazing and we decided to meet up again. This time we also choose a theme of Asian food. Andrea and I decided to do an appetizer and dessert, while her cousin Andy and his girlfriend Kristin made the main entrees. It went amazing and you can see all the photos here.

See Films Differently

Volkswagen has been a proud supporter of independent film for some time and they have a great series of ads in which people give VERY alternate takes on popular films (Toy Story, Die Hard, Star Wars, etc) that actually make sense. Check them out here.

Monday, August 25, 2008

My Little Ponies I Would've Owned

An artist by the name of Mari Kasurinen has created a set of My Little Pony dolls based around movie characters.

Now I Might Need a Wii

Read more here

Friday, August 22, 2008

Selections from H.P. Lovecraft's brief tenure as a Whitman's Sampler copywriter

A fun read for Friday. An excerpt:

Toffee Nugget

Few men dare ask the question "What is toffee, exactly?" All those who have investigated this substance are now either dead or insane.

Thursday, August 14, 2008

Now I Can't Wait for the Bob Sagat Roast

See more funny videos at Funny or Die

My New Favorite Blog

My girlfriend passed along this blog to me. It's all about cakes that are just horrible. So far my favorite is below. How/why was this made?

Another Thing That Will Make Me Shop At McDonald's

Are these also made in China?

Tuesday, August 12, 2008

Shark Week

So one of my girlfriend's co-workers created this video from footage he shot while scuba diving. Pretty pimp.

Monday, August 11, 2008

The Dark Knight Origins

These kids are cooler than I'll ever be

Saturday, August 09, 2008

Bernie Mac Dead at 50

One of my favorite comedians has died at the age of 50 due to pneumonia complications.

I remember seeing The Original Kings of Comedy in theaters and crying I was laughing so hard when Bernie Mac came out. This performance brought him to the spotlight. Shortly after this he started receiving film roles and soon enough his own show. I enjoyed his show so much I actually wrote a paper on it in college which discussed the roles of fathers in television shows.

Below is one of my favorite scenes from the movie. Most of the language is NSFW.

Friday, August 08, 2008

My Favorite Olympic Moment

I'll always remember seeing this moment on television. I've yet to see anything make me cry like a baby.

PS: Sorry for the Creed music

Wednesday, August 06, 2008

I Hid in my Garage

Great picture from the Chicago Tornado Scare of 2008

Charlie Lynch Found Guilty

One of the saddest injustices I've seen in a long time has occurred. Charlie Lynch has been found guilty of
distributing marijuana, conspiring to distribute marijuana and providing marijuana to people under the age of 21
I first heard of this story on Reason where I learned that in San Francisco it is legal to sell medicinal marijuana. Mr. Lynch opened a business that sold this marijuana to individuals for medicinal purposes. One of these individuals was Owen Beck, a high schooler that noticed it hurt while running when playing soccer. He went in to have an x-ray and a medium sized tumor was discovered in his leg. After many treatments of chemo and feeling nauseated therefore not eating, his parents suggested to him the use of medical marijuana. They spoke to a doctor, received the prescription, and went and visited Mr. Lynch's office. Because Owen was a minor Charlie Lynch was arrested for distributing.

Just a sad day when a man who is not pushing drugs on the corner but providing it to individuals so that they can eat is now going to jail for a long time.

Make sure to check out the entire video and story at Reason.

Tuesday, August 05, 2008

Does Not Compute

If you're like me you're constantly calling customer service for major corporations. And if you're like me you hate having to solve the riddle of key commands to speak to an actual human. Well thanks to wonderful world o'intertubes, you can have a Game Genie for these companies.

The website contains listings of 100s of major corporations and the key combination or secret key words to say in order to get a person right away. You can also see reviews other users have left on their experience with those companies, and you can add as well.