Tuesday, September 30, 2008

Politics Brings Out the Best In Us

Two status I observed from my friends on Facebook:

Obama is a BITCH...if your support him your a BITCH too

If you support Sarah Palin, you should be murdered in front of your children. Let me be clear: You. Should Be Murdered. In Front Of Your Children.


Andy said...

Stop with all the fence-sitting and tell us how you really feel!

Unknown said...

I think the anti-Obama status was completely discredited when the person misspelled both "you" and "you're".

And, the anti-Palin one is discredited just for being scary.

Kristin said...

I'm all for homicide with an audience, but come on!

Everyone knows kids get in the way of a good, clean murder.

I, too, saw that grammar mistake and immediately gritted my teeth. Bad spelling creates a fury in me like no politician ever will.